Boomer Shooter Renaissance: Phantom Fury PC Will Launch on April 23

There's a certain charm to revisiting the pixelated landscapes and adrenaline-fueled action of classic first-person shooters (FPS) from the late 1990s and early 2000s. Enter the era of the "boomer shooter", a label affectionately used to describe modern games that pay homage to the golden age of FPS gaming. This week, 3D Realms, a studio renowned for its contributions to the genre, unveiled its latest creation: Phantom Fury.

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Phantom Fury, developed by 3D Realms' in-house studio Slipgate Ironworks, serves as the next installment in a lineage that harks back to 2016's Bombshell and continued with 2019's Ion Fury. Both predecessors, featuring the iconic protagonist Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison, garnered acclaim for their retro-inspired gameplay and aesthetic. With Phantom Fury, 3D Realms aims to recapture the essence of classic FPS experiences while injecting fresh elements into the mix.

Despite being crafted with Unreal Engine 4, Phantom Fury maintains a deliberate nod to the FPS titles of yesteryears, drawing inspiration from the raw energy of Duke Nukem and its contemporaries. The game's art style and mechanics evoke nostalgia for a bygone era, reminiscent of the original Duke Nukem Forever before its tumultuous development journey.

Set in the aftermath of Ion Fury, Phantom Fury thrusts players into Harrison's shoes once more as she embarks on a perilous quest to retrieve the enigmatic artifact known as the Demon Core. Promising an immersive narrative experience, 3D Realms teases an abundance of interactive elements woven seamlessly into the game's fabric. Armed with an arsenal of over 20 weapons, players will engage in frenetic battles against a diverse array of adversaries, with opportunities to upgrade and customize their armaments along the way.

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Come April 23, PC gamers will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of Phantom Fury, available on Steam and for $24.99. While the initial release is exclusive to PC platforms, 3D Realms has confirmed plans to extend Phantom Fury's reach to PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo consoles in the near future, ensuring a wider audience can partake in the boomer shooter revival.

Beyond Phantom Fury, 3D Realms has a slew of projects in the pipeline, including Core Decay, another entry in the boomer shooter genre, and Tempest Rising, a real-time strategy (RTS) game paying homage to the illustrious Command and Conquer franchise. With each release, the studio reaffirms its commitment to preserving the spirit of classic gaming while embracing innovation in an ever-evolving landscape.