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Anker's Soundcore Sleep A20: The Ultimate Solution for Restful Nights with Noise Suppression and Sleep Tracking

Revolutionizing Sleep with Advanced Earbuds

NEWS  Earphones  May 22, 2024  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

Anker's new Soundcore Sleep A20 sleep earbuds have officially launched, promising a revolutionary solution for better sleep with advanced noise suppression and sleep tracking. Initially announced in mid-March and successfully crowdfunded on Kickstarter, these earbuds are now available for purchase from Soundcore and Amazon at a price of $149.99.


At first glance, the Soundcore Sleep A20 resemble classic earphones, but they are designed specifically to enhance sleep quality rather than provide daytime music enjoyment. Anker has incorporated a suite of innovative technologies into these earbuds to ensure restful nights.

Enhanced Noise Reduction and Comfort

The Sleep A20 earbuds feature an air-filled Air-Win design with Twin-Seal ear tips, offering up to 1.8 times better noise reduction than their predecessor, the Sleep A10. This design includes a 4-layer noise masking system aimed at suppressing disruptive noises such as snoring and urban sounds. Anker has ensured that the earbuds apply no uncomfortable pressure on the ear and auricle, making them ideal for side sleepers as well.

Sound Library and Extended Battery Life

Beyond noise suppression, the Soundcore Sleep A20 can play a variety of soothing sounds from a personal library or other content, aiding in creating a tranquil sleep environment.

They boast an impressive battery life of up to 80 hours when used with the included charging cradle, ensuring uninterrupted use throughout the night.

Advanced Sleep Monitoring

The Soundcore Sleep A20 also excel in sleep tracking. Integrated with the Soundcore app, these earbuds provide automatic sleep monitoring, including sleep position tracking. This feature helps users gain valuable insights into their sleep patterns and make informed adjustments for better sleep health.

Anker's Soundcore Sleep A20 sleep earbuds are a groundbreaking addition to the market, combining superior noise suppression, comfort, and comprehensive sleep tracking. At $149.99, they offer a premium solution for anyone looking to enhance their sleep quality. 

Purchase the Soundcore Sleep A20 sleep earbuds on Amazon*
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