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Apple Watch Series 9 and Watch 2 Ultra May be Banned Again

US International Trade Commission Challenges Apple's Arguments, Paving the Way for Potential Sales Disruption

NEWS  Apple  January 12, 2024  Reading time: 2 Minute(s)

mdo Max (RS editor)

Apple's latest smartwatches, the Watch Series 9 and Watch 2 Ultra, find themselves at the center of a legal storm. Last month, the US Court of Appeals granted a temporary pause on the ban imposed by the US International Trade Commission (ITC). However, the ITC is now contesting this decision, arguing that Apple's case for continuing sales during the appeal lacks strength.

The ITC, responsible for the ban on these smartwatches, has communicated to the Court, expressing skepticism about the Cupertino giant's justification for keeping the devices on the market. The ban stems from a patent dispute with medical device manufacturer Masimo, which has restricted Apple from selling and importing the Watch Series 9 and Watch Ultra 2.

Apple Watch 2 ultra

According to documents filed with the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, ITC lawyers have criticized Apple's arguments, stating that the company's case is "weak and unconvincing" and that it amounts to little more than an "adjudicated infringer requesting permission to continue infringing the asserted patents". The court is now soliciting responses from other parties supporting the ITC's decision until January 15, suggesting that the fate of the Apple Watch remains uncertain at least until early next week.

Despite the ongoing legal challenges, Apple has taken measures to address the situation. The company removed the Apple Watch Series 9 and the Apple Watch Ultra 2 from its physical stores on December 24, and from its online store starting December 21. However, surprisingly, the watches were back on sale on December 28. Additionally, Apple has submitted a software fix aimed at resolving the patent dispute. The government is expected to announce its decision on the effectiveness of this update today, January 12.

As Apple navigates through this legal quagmire, the future of the Watch Series 9 and Watch 2 Ultra hangs in the balance. The unfolding events underscore the intricate relationship between technology, intellectual property, and regulatory frameworks. In the coming days, the tech community will closely watch for updates on the court's decisions, anticipating the impact on Apple's smartwatch lineup and the broader landscape of intellectual property disputes within the tech industry.




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